Essential Home Appliances needed in Your Home Today.

zit-admin | July 2, 2024, 11:53 a.m.

Essential Home Appliances needed in Your Home Today.

Essential Home appliances are devices that accomplish household functions, such as cooking or cleaning.  They have made our lives so much easier; we cannot deny the comfort and convenience these appliances provide us.


A day without these helping hands is quite annoying and very stressful. These appliances have become very important components of our lives and are necessary for things to work smoothly in our homes.


Home appliances were introduced mainly in the 20th century to save labor and time in the household. Their effect on the society has been to drastically reduce the time long associated with housekeeping and homemaking. Appliances like refrigerator, ovens, cooking range, dryers, washing machines, air conditioner all are the necessity of a healthier and trendy lifestyle.


If you want to live an easier and comfortable life, then you will need these Essential Home appliances in your life. They help in saving more time and we have to give less effort. 


There are so many essential home appliances but I would just list out 7 of the most important ones. These ones play a major role in the domestic life of the modern man and they are needed for various day to day household functions like cooking, cleaning, exercising, purifying, food preservation etc.


Here's the list of 7 Essential home appliances that you need in your home today;


1). Refrigerator/Freezers.

2). Washing Machine.

3). Kitchen stove/ Gas cooker.

4). Air Conditioner.

5). Television.

6). Water Dispenser.

7). Microwave Oven.


Now let's talk more about these home appliances and why they are very essential to us today.


The fundamental reason for having a refrigerator is to keep food cold. Cold temperatures help food stay fresh longer. The basic idea behind refrigeration is to slow down the activity of bacteria (which all food contains) so that it takes longer for the bacteria to spoil the food.


The refrigerator/freezer is evidently extremely influential to our present day lifestyle, as it shapes what we consume, and how we consume it. It is one of the most important pieces of equipment in the kitchen for keeping foods safe.


 We are instantly reminded of its importance to our daily lives when the power goes off or the unit fails, putting our food's safety in jeopardy. The refrigerator/freezer has made it possible for people to buy and store fresh food products in a safer environment. As a result, people were able to consume better foods for example fresh produce, eggs, and meats.


Now your wife can make extra food and have leftovers, reducing the amount of time spent on household chores for people who worked six days a week. You can keep fresh food and even your leftovers fresh until consumption time. With longer safe-consumption periods, it's better for your home's budget as well as the planets health.


Refrigerators/freezers come in all shapes and sizes, each with its own set of different features and so you have to consider your unique needs when choosing what refrigerator/freezer to buy. Top-freezer, Bottom-freezer, Double-door, Side by side, French door, Single door, Chest Freezer, Standing Freezer.


Get the best quality Refrigerators/Freezers at very affordable prices when you click on this link.

Washing machines


As long as people have been wearing clothes, they've had to come up with ways to clean them. If you lived a couple of thousand years ago, you'd be beating your clothes on a stone to get the stains out like the Romans did. 


Fast forward a few hundred years, and the stone troughs were replaced with wooden boards for scrubbing. But the process was still slow and backbreaking, and the results were probably less than stellar.


Then washing machine came into our lives and we can't even imagine what life would be without them now. Now we don't have to spend two hours a day scrubbing dirty clothes, straining our back and ruining our manicure. You can chat with your friends and family while relaxing in front of the TV, while the machine does its work.


The washing machine is one such technological wonder that have made our lives hassle-free. They have helped us save the time that we used to waste while hand-washing our clothes. They have also helped us multitask in a way that we never thought was possible. This is one of the most valuable advantages of the washing machine.


Washing machines not only save our time but also save us from the physical effort of hand-washing. You get to have crispy clean clothes without even breaking a sweat. This amazing machine minimizes wear and tear to your clothes to ensure reliable wash. They help to protect your clothes from being damaged and so increase its life span.


You have a wide array of top loading, front loading, semi-automatic and automatically washing machines to choose from on You can select the washing machine that suits your own need.


Click here; to have a look at the range of washing machines on Zit Electronics Online Store.



We obviously need food to survive, so this appliance is inevitable. It is in fact the most important kitchen appliance; you can't plan your home without one of this. First of all, a cooker helps you to COOK food; it helps in the preparation of meals for you and your family. It also helps to keep your food warm. You can also boil, fry, bake, and roast/grill with a cooker.


A cooker requires energy to cook your food and there are various energy sources for your cooker. Gone are the days when people used charcoal or kerosene stove to cook their foods, these sources of fuel were very dangerous and not so efficient and so new sources of fuel were created.


The two major source of energy for cookers are electricity and gas. Gas and Electric cookers have their pros and cons; in some cases, they are combined as one to give you the best of both worlds.


 Today’s sleek Electric cookers are stylish, easy to clean, easy to operate and less expensive to install than the gas cookers. For those who spend less time in the kitchen, electric is a great option. 


On the other hand, Gas cookers tend to cook more evenly because the flames spread themselves along the bottom and sides of the pan. A gas cooker is very energy efficient as takes less time as to deliver energy to your stove than electric cookers, so buying a gas range could save you money in the long run.


And if you can afford it, a combination of Gas and Electric cooker would give you the benefits of enjoy what the two ranges have to offer.


These cookers come in various sizes to accommodate your kitchen size comfortably. They also have so many features that make cooking so much easier and fun. The best cooker brands in Nigeria include; Maxi, LG, Thermocool, Scanfrost, Nexus, Century and so on.


Click on this link; to see their price ranges.

Air conditioners


This may come as a surprise, but do you know that have an air conditioner in your home can aid your health? Well, yes it can. Air Conditioners do not only help us to feel cool after a day in the sun, they do so much more than this. You would be shocked when I mention some of the benefits of this overlooked home appliance.


An air conditioner helps to provide you with comfort. Excessive heat or cold causes the body to use more energy in an attempt to maintain the proper internal temperature. Without air conditioning to control air temperature and humidity in our living or work space, we tend to use more energy which might cause us to feel sluggish and tired than usual.


An air conditioner helps to create a comfortable, work environment that allows you to work better and more efficiently. A more comfortable work environment is linked to increased productivity and clearer thinking. A cool employee is a happy and productive employee.


Air conditioning creates lower levels of humidity, meaning that decor and belongings will last longer as they are freed from damage caused by moisture-loving mold, bacteria and damp. It also helps to keep your house furniture safe too.


Another mind blowing benefit of an air conditioner is that it helps to protect your electronic devices from overheating. Lowered temperatures will stop electronics from being damaged or destroyed by overheating and so they tend to last even longer.


There are various types of air conditioners and they have various features and their prices vary, this however doesn't change the fact that having an air conditioner in your home or work space is very important.


Looking for where to get this home appliance at affordable prices? Click here;



Before television, people huddled around the radio to listen to news and entertainment programming. Before that, they relied on their newspapers and the entertainment value of their friends and neighbors. With the advent of the box with moving pictures and sound, the world was available at a flip of the dial.


A Television plays a very important role in the building of a society. It is a source of information or communication and media plays a very significant role in everyone's life. In today's modern society, media has become a very big part of our life. Its duty goes beyond entertainment it also helps to inform and educate us.


A Television also helps to facilitate bonding and unity in a family. In this fast paced world of ours, watching TV is among the few things that all family members do together. Sitting together with all members of the family and friends creates some bonding time.


Do you know that televisions have health benefits to? We all know the benefits of laughter towards the overall health of our bodies. So, by watching comedy or hilarious programs that keep us laughing and happy, we increase our chances of becoming healthy.


It relieves us of stress that leads to depression, which is a causative agent of many diseases. Laughter is the best medicine and the television sure has lots of them.


With new innovations Televisions keeps getting bigger and better by the day, they have also become very affordable to ensure that everyone gets access to one.


Feel free to browse through our Television collection when you click this link;

Water dispensers


 I know you would say, ' Why on Earth is this one among the home essentials?'  Well I would tell you why it is in a while. Now, water is available for every and anyone. Whenever you need to drink water there is always a tap nearby to get it, but how sure are you that the water you are drinking is safe?


Drinking water daily is very important to our health. However, it is not just about drinking water, we have to be drinking safe and clean water else we have just caused more harm than good. The creators of water dispenser had this in mind and that led to the creation of the perfect drinking solution.


The most important benefits of using water dispenser is that it helps you to get clean drinking water so that you will stay healthy and will not have to drink water that have a large amount of bacteria and other contaminants.


Having a purified water dispenser makes it so much easier to ditch the sugary drinks and top up your fluid quota with lots of the good stuff. These water dispensers come with hot and cold water faucet that gives you instant hot water for your morning coffee and chilled water for your perched throat.


With a water dispenser at home, you get to save so much more money that would have been used to purchase your regular bottled drinking water.


Why not get one today. Click here for more information;

Microwave oven


Another kitchen appliance that is very vital to our everyday lives, especially if you are a very busy person. This home appliance helps you to have time as a friend and not an enemy. A Microwave oven allows you to enjoy speedy cooking. Cooking with a microwave oven is faster than that of other conventional cooking methods such as gas or electric range cooking.


So you only have a few minutes left before leaving for work and you are thinking of skipping breakfast, you have some leftovers but warming them on the gas cooker would take too long. With a microwave oven you can warm up your leftovers in minutes and still get to your work place with seconds to spare.


You would also enjoy nutrients packed meals when you use a microwave oven because foods cooked by microwave oven are more nutritious than that of other conventional cooking methods.


A Microwave oven is very portable and can seat comfortably on your kitchen counter-top without taking too much space and lastly it is very affordable.

You can get one for as low as N26,400 on


Click this link; for more details.


I have mentioned just a few essential home appliances that we all need in our home today, there are many more. Home appliances have helped us to have to cleaner homes with less time spent cleaning, better food with healthier ingredients, and an all-around increase in convenience, effectiveness, and speed in doing house chores.


They help to create more time for you to engage in other productive activities. They also help to relieve the stress and physical effort involved in our basic house chores. The comfort and convenience offered by these home appliances should be recognized and appreciate.



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