How to efficiently use a Washing Machine. Fantastic Features and Benefits.

zit-admin | July 2, 2024, 11:53 a.m.

How to efficiently use a Washing Machine. Fantastic Features and Benefits.


A washing machine is a 'magical' machine used to wash the various types of clothes without applying any physical efforts. All you have to do is put the clothes in the machine and select the wash mode. The invention of the washing machine has helped reduce the manual labor spent on the cleaning of the clothes either domestically or commercially.

In addition to this, they have helped greatly in saving time used in the cleaning of clothes and water consumption as compared to manual washing. If we look around, we find out that washing machines have made our lives easy and balanced. They share our load and divide the work pressure.

Our daily routine task can now be managed in a beautiful manner giving us more time to engage in our other precious activities. The washing machines have provided mankind the benefits that one cannot imagine! The washers efficiently and effectively do their hard duty over several years with little care.

Imagine how much money you would save with a washing machine, as you don't need to go to the laundromat again. This time-saving miracle technology has made an enormous impact on the lives of those fortunate enough to afford it. A washing machine is one such technological wonder that has made our lives hassle-free.

Washing machines have helped us save the time that we used to waste while hand-washing our clothes. Washing machines have also helped us multitask in a way that we never thought was possible. Not only this but the extra effort we had to put in to remove the strong stains has also been eliminated with the washing machines.

The washing process and the various features of a washing machine also help us in giving the proper care to our clothes. Washing machines are incredibly convenient and easy-to-use household appliances. They have proven to be the best appliance for the busy mums and working women.

They are a very reliable household appliance that rarely goes wrong. This is great news for busy mums who don’t have the time to sit down and read the user manual from start to finish, learning about all the different washing machine parts. Washing machines not only save our time but also saves us from the physical effort of hand-washing.

Moreover, with technological advancements in the washing machines, washing clothes have become more convenient. With more and more features being introduced every day, the whole laundry process has become easier and convenient.

In the post, I would be mentioning some of these features and their benefits. This way, you would be able to unveil the full potential of your machine when you get one.


Washing Machine features and benefits.


Large washer capacity. 

For big families, large washer capacity is a must. Doing laundry would probably take your whole day, especially if you have kids. To avoid this, you might want to switch to a large capacity washing machine. With a drum size of 8kg to 12kg, these appliances can hold a much bigger load than your average washer.

As a result, fewer loads will be needed, drastically reducing your overall laundry time. If you are a heavy user of your washing machine, often doing five or more washes per week, a large capacity appliance can save you hours of precious time.

See here to check out our Large Capacity washers.


Load Detection/ Fuzzy Logic.

Load Detection/ Fuzzy Logic in washing machines |


When a washing machine comes with load monitoring, this means it includes specialty sensors that track the weight distribution of the clothes you load into it. Your washing machine weighs the washing load in the drum and automatically selects the optimal wash required.

The washer can then use the exact right amount of water to clean your clothes. This cuts down on waste, your water bill, and energy usage all at once!



Time Delay and presoak.

How to efficiently use a Washing Machine | Time Delay & Presoak|

The time delay allows you to load the washing machine and start it later. You can delay the start of your wash cycle so your washing machine runs during the night, when there is a cheaper energy tariff or while you are out of the house. This is useful if you want to avoid the noise at certain times.

The pre-soak facility allows you to soak the clothes for a specified period, after which the wash cycle starts automatically. That way, tougher stains are removed easily.


It has this amazing feature and cost less than N80,000 on



Stainless steel tub.

Stainless Steel Tub for Washing Machine |

A stainless steel tub is less likely to rust over time. Most washing machines, especially the large-capacity washers are made from the best quality stainless steel with an exceptionally smooth surface. Your laundry can be thoroughly washed, rinsed, and spun without any damage.

It can also keep up with more intense cycles, pulling more water out of your clothes while protecting them from snags and tears.

Digital display and Touchpad controls.

Some washers offer LED screens with touchpads, so you can choose cycles, pre-set temperatures, and other considerations with the touch of a button. This useful option can also show how much time is left on your wash program.



Smart washing machines.

Did you know that some washer can now connect to Wi-Fi? Well, technology has brought us to that level today. Some washing machines have built-in Wi-Fi receptors so they can connect to a website or smartphone, and send alerts when a cycle has finished. Of course, you should expect premium features like this only on the high-end washing machines.

The LG 8kg Smart Dryer with LED Display washing machine is a smart washing machine. Costs over N300,000, rightly so with all of its amazing features.

LG Front Loader Washing Machine | RC9066C3F |

Get more for more details here.



Child lock. 

Child Lock in Washing Machines |


This is an essential safety feature for households with young children. Most models have a lock that prevents the machine’s controls from being used. Your kids pay more attention to your everyday chores than you may think, and they know very well what button to press to open the machine, which can be disastrous if it’s mid-cycle.

LG Child Lock Feature washing machine|

Some other models include a door safety lock that will stop the door from being closed. This safety lock majorly applies to front-loading machines, the kind that small hands may attempt to force open when you've got your back turned for just a second.



Reload Function.


Reload Function in Washing Machines |



This function makes it possible to add whatever that is remaining for you to wash that was not added initially without waiting for the next load. Simply press the button, and the machine will automatically pause the setting when the water levels become low enough that you can open the door without flooding your kitchen.

This allows you to add any extra socks that had been hiding under your kids’ beds or a favorite stuffed toy that your child has just poured juice over, without having to wait until the next load. It helps you keep on top of the laundry, and helps keeps your little ones happy! It is mostly found in the newer washing machine models.



Memory Wash.

Washing machines are becoming more intelligent, and are now able to remember the settings you used for your last wash, and apply them to the next load of laundry. Some machines will even allow you to program in many different cycles, making laundry as simple as pressing just one button.

If you tend to wash a lot of the same types of clothes, such as washing baby clothes in hot water, for example, then this clever setting can be a real timesaver, and can also make sure you don’t make any mistakes. For mums who can never find enough hours in the day to get everything done, this feature is just priceless.



Quiet operation.

A quiet washing machine will change the way you do laundry. Instead of being constrained to daylight hours to avoid disrupting a sleeping child or distracting from evening Tv, a virtually silent machine will allow you to run laundry at any time that is convenient for you. For small spaces, like apartments or shared homes, quiet washers are a luxury.

Set your washer-dryer overnight and wake up to a clean load of laundry. Machines that are designed to operate at a lower volume allow you to start a load of laundry at any time, without worrying about waking up your roommates. Most Haier Thermocool washing machines have this feature.

See here, to check out our best silent operation washing machines.



Quick wash.

This is perfect for when you need clean clothes in a hurry, some machines offer a fast program that works in less than 30 minutes. However, most quick wash modes allow only a small amount, around 2kg to be washed at once. Some washing machines have a full-load quick-wash option, but these are for lightly soiled clothes only.


Remote controls.

Remote Control in Washing Machines |

Remote and app control take smart machines one step further, by giving you control over your cycle selections from the palm of your hand. These smart washers allow you to monitor and control cycles remotely through a downloadable laundry app. If you’ve got loads of dirty clothes to wash but can’t spare the time to stay at home, this feature is perfect for you.

This innovative feature allows you to change the cycle as needed and will even notify you when laundry is done. You can choose cycles, add an extra rinse, or set end-of-cycle reminders on connected smartphone apps.

Apart from these amazing features, the latest washing machines also have lots of programs, ranging from the conventional to the high-tech.

These wash programs are designed to give your clothes the best care possible.

Below are some washing machine programs to take note of, for a more efficient laundry result:


Cotton and synthetics.

Most washing machines have a program for both pieces of cotton and synthetics, often with different temperature settings. There may be one or two cotton program with a hotter temperature, while synthetics are washed at lower temperatures – 40°C or below – and at lower spin speeds.


Wool/delicate/hand wash.

These gentle programs use low temperatures and minimum spin speeds to prevent clothes from being damaged – useful if you’ve lots of delicate items to clean. Cycles like "permanent press" and "delicate" keep fragile clothes safe from snags and tears.



Designed for cleaning microfiber clothing, removing sweat stains and odors, this mode works by using a longer wash cycle at a lower temperature. With some machines, you can even wash your sports trainers.



A useful option if you regularly face lots of ironing, this mode helps to prevent clothes creasing during the wash by either shortening the spin cycle or lowering the spin speed.



This is a newer specialty cycle, which washes clothes at the highest temperature settings to remove allergens like mold, pet dander, and grass. This is especially useful for babies or for people who suffer from seasonal allergies, since pollen can't stick to clothes.


Economy mode.

This "economy mode" is good for washing a light load of clothes that were only worn once or twice. It automatically lowers the washing temperature to help reduce energy and water consumption. It's a good option if you are trying to be eco-friendlier. However, it is not a good option if you need to get the grime out of very soiled clothes.


Fast spin speed

Faster spin speeds extract more moisture from clothes, shortening the amount of time it’ll take to dry them on the rack or in the tumble-dryer. When it comes to washing thick fabrics like denim or wool, high spin speeds of 1,400 to 1,600 revolutions per minute are especially useful.




Now you might be wondering that these machines must be very expensive, you should first think about how much doing your laundry at a laundromat would cost you. And if you prefer hand washing them yourself, think about how much water, time, and energy is wasted just to get clean clothes.

When you consider all these things, you will realize that no money is too much to get a washing machine. Also, these machines can last up to 10years with proper maintenance. So you save time, effort, and money when you get one. Getting a washing machine is a worthy investment.

The good thing is that you can get a washing machine for less than N50,000 today. Although it might not have all those high tech features, it would still do the basic work of efficiently cleaning your clothes for you.

New models are designed to be more energy-efficient and effective. Some of them are quite expensive, but they get your clothes cleaner than ever before, and are well worth investing in, especially when you consider how much time and energy you will save.

For the Best and most efficient Washing machines in Nigeria, go to Zit Electronic Online Store. And get it at the best price to site your budget and family needs.



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